The Benefits of an Annual Air Conditioner Tune-Up: Why You Should Get Your AC Serviced Every Year

Air conditioners are designed to last for years, but an annual air conditioner tune-up can be the key to keeping your HVAC system running at its best and extending its life expectancy. Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to higher utility bills and reduced comfort. Most experts suggest having a tune-up done at least once a year, usually in the spring before the summer season when you'll be using your air conditioner more often.So why should you get your air conditioner serviced every year? This way, a technician can clean the unit and repair any wear and tear that could cause problems during the hot summer months. Additionally, an annual service will help prolong the life of your air conditioning system.

If your system is five years old or older, it's recommended to have two tune-ups per year. If it's newer, one tune-up should suffice.To ensure that lint from the dryer doesn't enter the air conditioning unit and restrict airflow, take note of where the dryer vents are vented and make sure they're not pointed towards the air conditioner. These and other standard maintenance procedures can increase the efficiency of your air conditioner and reduce cooling costs. So, are you convinced to get your air conditioner tuned up? If so, it's best to schedule an appointment before summer.Save yourself some time and money by having your air conditioner and boiler tuned up at the same time.

But if your air conditioner isn't working properly, you can bet that the repair will cost more than a tune-up would have. In addition to hiring a professional for an annual tune-up, there are some tasks you can do yourself to extend the life of your air conditioning unit.

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